Thursday, 14 February 2013

New Research On Marketing to Young Families - Ireland - December 2012

Marketing to Young Families - Ireland - December 2012

The dynamics of family households within Ireland have changed with a rise in mothers in employment and a trend for smaller families. The increase in mothers working has resulted in changing gender roles, with men becoming more involved within the home. As the dynamics of Irish families continue to evolve, parents’ priorities are focused on their children’s education whilst engaging in family leisure and social pursuits takes a secondary role.

Children continue to exert an influence on their parents across a number of differing market segments and undoubtedly contribute to parental desire to purchase products they feel their family will like. However, children’s influence over purchase decisions is counterbalanced by parents exerting their authority to instil core values and discipline in their children.

Table of Content

Key themes within the report
Consumer research

The Suite of Life
Men Shopping Badly
2015 Access Anything, Anywhere

Men’s role within the family has become more diverse
Under 50% of Irish parents resist their children’s pester power
Family life centres around mealtimes

Key points
Birth rate remains high throughout Ireland
Figure 1: Number of births registered in NI and RoI, 2001-11
Increase in children aged 0-9 reflective of high birth rate
Figure 2: Population, by age, RoI, 2009-12
Figure 3: Population, by age, NI, 2009-12*
Parents show concern over advertisements aimed at children
Figure 4: Agreement with the statement ‘I worry about the effect of advertising targeted towards children’,
NI and RoI, 2011 and 2012
Divorce and remarriage becoming the norm within RoI
Figure 5: Population, by marital status, RoI, 2002-11
Falling family size in RoI slowing
Figure 6: Families in urban and rural areas, by number of children, RoI, 2011
Figure 7: Number of family units in private households with couples with and without children, by number
of children in the house, RoI, 2011
A fifth of married households in NI have dependent children
Figure 8: Size of family households, NI, 2007/08-2010/11
Figure 9: Projected households, by size, NI, 2008-23
Cost of raising a child increasing
Figure 10: Expenditure from birth to age 21 when raising a child, UK, 2012
Childcare bills lead to high infancy and pre-school costs
Figure 11: Direct cost of a child*, RoI, 2012
Figure 12: Cost of raising a child, by age, UK, 2012
Figure 13: Agreement with the statement ‘I spend money more carefully than I used to’, by age of children
in the home, NI and RoI, 2012
More women entering the RoI workplace
Figure 14: Labour force, by gender, RoI, 1991-2011
More women in work than men in NI

Key points
Economy showing tentative signs of recovery
Figure 15: Economic outlook, NI and RoI, 2010-13
Consumer spending weak throughout Ireland
2013 RoI budget adding to families’ financial burdens
NI consumers also feeling the pinch
Figure 16: Proposed benefit changes, UK (including NI), December 2012
Over 75% of parents are concerned about rising utility and grocery bills
Figure 17: Selected factors that concern Irish consumers, NI and RoI, September 2012
Figure 18: Selected factors that concern Irish consumers, by age of children in the household, NI and RoI,
September 2012
Over-55s will account for 29% of population by 2020
Figure 19: Population, by age, NI, 2008-24
Figure 20: Population, by age, RoI, 2006-26


Key points
Tesco offers double points on Facebook app
Unilever’s ‘social experiment’
Argos targets families with ‘blue aliens’ campaign

Key points
Men and women share the role of income provider
Figure 21: Main Income provider, by gender, NI and RoI, September 2012
Older children within the household necessitate both partners to contribute to household income
Figure 22: Agreement with the statement ‘Responsibility is shared between me and my partner’ regarding
responsibilities for being the main income provider, by age of children in the household, NI and RoI,
September 2012
Division of responsibilities remains traditional
Bills are shared between partners in 40% of Irish households
Figure 23: Division of responsibilities in the household, by gender, NI, 2012
Figure 24: Division of responsibilities in the household, by gender, RoI, September 2012
Figure 25: Consumers who have a joint current account as their main account, NI and RoI, 2012
Figure 26: Consumers who have paid household bills by debit card in the last 12 months, RoI and NI, July
Women are still the primary target for grocery shopping
Figure 27: Agreement with the lifestyle statement ‘I really enjoy cooking’, NI and RoI, 2012
Women don’t agree with men’s perceptions of tasks they jointly share

For More Information Kindly Contact: 
Mrs.Sheela AK
Toll Free: 866-997-4948
State Tower
90 State Street, Suite 700
Albany, NY 12207
United States

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